
Wine Bars, Wine Cellars

Wine Bars, Wine Cellars
András Cellar 15 Kitaibel P St 99/321-670 W-SU:16.00-24.00 "Come with honesty and I will welcome you with friendship."
Cézár Wine Cellar 2 Hátsókapu St 99/311-337 The wine cellar with its archaic atmosphere serves exclusively the excellent wines from the Sopron wine region, home made crackling scones and cold plates.
Dionüszosz Wine Bar - vendeghaz@lagrerreklam.hu 40 Lővér Blvd 99/314-740
Gyógygödör Wine Cellar - gyogygodorsopron@gmail.com 4 Fő Sq 99/311-280 Popular Hungarian dishes and specialities, excellent wines.
János Cellar 1 Szőlős St 99/326-025
Katlan Wine Bar - jankovics.balazs@chello.hu 3 Szárcsa St 99/326-349 30/300-3380 Dishes fried over an open fire, and bottled wines. .
Kazamata Wine Bar - info@kazamata-panzio.hu 1/a Győri St 99/ 525-552 600 m from the inner town, Hungarian cooking.
Prinyő Wine Cellar - princzesanett@citromail.hu Koronázódomb 99/334-042 M-SU: 15.00-23.00 Fine wines, shank of pork, cold plates, family service.
Proszit Espresso and Wine Bar 63 Várkerület M-TH 7-22, F and SA.7-23 Sunday: holiday
Stubi Wine Cellar 16 Balfi St. 99/312-956 M-F 12 00 -21 00 , SA10 00 -21 00 , SU 900 -13 00
Tokaj Wine Bar and Restaurant 47 Várkerület 99/340-644
Violand Wine Bar 17 Várkerület 30/593-5052 M-W:15.00-22.00, TH-SA:15.00-24.00 Spiced food and cold plates with their own wines.

2010. július 19. / Gastronomy